Die zweite digitale Welle
Vorbereitungen bei der BBC.
What we’re seeing is a distinct second wave in digital.
In many ways, traditional media coped quite well with the first wave: they launched new linear channels and text-based websites and began to experiment with mobile phones and other portable devices.
Particularly after the dotcom bubble burst at the turn of the century, there was a real sense in traditional media that the digital thing had been nailed.
If you came late to the party, there was no need to worry – you could always dip into your pocket and buy a website or two.
Anyone who thinks that that’s the size of it – and there’s plenty of them across British broadcasting – has got a big shock coming.
I believe that this second digital wave will turn out to be far more disruptive than the first, that it will be fundamentally disruptive,and that the foundations on which much of traditional media is built may be swept away entirely
BBC-Generaldirektor Mark Thompson (Hervorhebung Wortfeld)
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