Hello world once more
Also blogging in English.
I have been blogging in English before, but I haven’t provided a permanent place for those unable to understand my German postings — here it is: a web page and an XML feed. I’ll probably continue to post the vast majority of entries in my mother tongue, but I’ll publish some of the postings, especially about Internet policy on a global scale, in English instead, assuming that most of the German-speaking readers can live with that.
Wortfeld is a blog which gravitates around media and net policy, but where you also may stumble upon postings about design, music or spam. The blog’s title „Wortfeld“ is a linguistic term (lexical/semantic field) chosen for its beauty, relative brevity and, truth be told, availability. So there — welcome! And please don’t be afraid to comment just because you need to click „Kommentieren“.